Building My First Ruby CLI

Anthony C
1 min readJan 30, 2021


I loved the process of putting together all the skills I had learned over the last 2 months, and found the process of creating this app challenging and a lot of fun.

At first, Ruby was very abstract for me. I’m used to Javascript and working with pages and apps that are very visual. Working with the code behind the scenes was something I had to get over, but now I have to say, I really enjoy it.

When I came up with the idea to do a stock picker cli app, I had a pretty grand vision of the methods I wanted to include, but after working with the initial API, I realized that I probably shouldn’t go for gold on my first attempt. Maybe someday, I’ll add to it in another application.

The most challenging part of this application was deciding how to build it. I must have started over 5 times before I solidified the design.

Finally, I elected to allow the user to search for stocks using the symbol.

Then, if the user wanted more information about that particular stock they could simply type ‘yes’ and get more information. If not, they could type ‘new stock’ to look up a new stock symbol or type ‘exit’ and leave the program.

This sounds pretty simple and it is, but it was my first ruby project.

I learned a ton from doing this and enjoyed to journey.

All-in-all, I think this was a good first application and I can’t wait to do another one.



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