React/Redux/Rails Reddit Clone

Anthony C
1 min readOct 3, 2021


For my final project, I decided to create a basic clone of one of my favorite websites, Reddit, and the technologies I utilized were ReactJs, Redux, and Ruby-on-Rails.

Reddit is a very robust website, so I wanted to focus on a few of my favorite features. I wanted my version of Reddit have the ability to create, read, update, and delete all posts and comments. I also wanted the ability to upvote/downvote posts, search for posts that are of interest, and sort the feed in a variety of ways.

The main part of the app are the CRUD features of posts and comments. For this, I created a similar component structure for each. Post/Comment then Containers for each and then calling those containers in the Home component.

The search bar has live-updates the feed with every keystroke inputted in the search bar and does not require a submit button. Which means you can edit your search in real-time instead of continually reloading the page. In order, to do this I used the redux store to allow the posts to be filtered.

The page automatically sort itself by the latest posts and highlights the current sort at the top of the page. It also, has sorts for largest/smallest title, most/least comments, top votes, and alphabetize by subreddit.



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